Current News from The Looking Glass:

Friday, April 3, 2009

New World Order

Skeptics, non-believers, critics...take a fucking hike! I haven't been able to listen to the radio, watch the news or open a web page this week without hearing about the New World Order. Well, NO SHIT!!!! The jig is up world...the looting is over, now for the lockdown.

George Bush Sr. speech of 9/11/90 (11 years to the day of 9/11)

Bush Sr. again TELLS us all about the Plan...

Gordon Brown describes The New World Order in 2007

More on the G-20 or GEE-TWO-OH/GHETTO Summit...

January 17th, 1961 Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation...


FilmNoir23 said...


Melissa said...

ah, the timeline unfurls...

aferrismoon said...

Not long after that speech dear Obama got born.


Ben Fairhall said...

The phrase (NWO) was the leading headline in at least two newspapers, with absolutely no attempt at disguise. The Daily Mail led with something like: BROWN'S NEW WORLD ORDER! (Love that exclamation mark.)

Brown, in particular, has been NWO-ing spectacularly since 2007. The first time he uttered the phrase, in public anyway, was shortly before he became Prime Minister in 2006 (in India.) The 2007 speech is peppered with references; as was his landmark address at St Paul's the other day.

There have been others, also...

Crazy times, really.