Back on Friday August 31st, I posted "For the Love Of God"which discussed artist Damien Hirst's Diamond encrusted skull. The trend continues as Faith Jewellery of the U.K. announces a full line of diamond and skull trinkets that "appeal to buyers seeking an individualised product possessing innate spiritual harmony"
According to Faith CEO David Fenton "Given the fact that the trappings of wealth such as jewels and gems, gold and diamonds are increasingly perceived as an essential element of one's wardrobe, the world is gravitating towards jewellery that is more individual, and often more personally meaningful, with symbolic, eclectic pieces becoming more and more popular."

Cutting edge "Skull" pendant, beautifully crafted in contemporary White Gold, and encrusted with real Black & White Diamonds. This striking pendant will really set you apart from the crowd. Created in stylish 9 carat White Gold , this amazing pendant is hand-set with a total of 23 points of Diamonds (nearly 1/4 carat : 17 points of Black Diamonds, plus 5 points of White Diamonds). The dark, black Diamonds embellish the eyes, while dazzling white Diamonds form a Gothic style cross on the forehead. Drawing inspiration from Damien Hirst's fabulous Diamond-encrusted skull, this iconic pendant transports you into the world of the rich and famous, without breaking the bank. This particular pendant retails for 340 Pounds...oh, they also have a Masonic line as well.
A few months back David Little presented the "Momento Mori" silver skull.
A few months back David Little presented the "Momento Mori" silver skull.
And not to be outdone, Walter Robinson delivers his own version replete with logo of the Ubermensch himself...does it really get an scarier? Oh wait...
Fashion or a growingly outward culture of death among the elites which will only trickle down to the unwashed masses more and more. Next time we visit Diamond culture...where it came from, how it it is pushed upon us. In the meantime, I leave you all with the stunning Kylie Minogue and her own "MM" tribute complete with Hirst inspired microphone...
"2 Hearts" from the JUST released "X" CD...also the forthcoming documentary "White Diamonds"
It's been an interesting year for Hirst- not just 'For The Love of God', but his 'Virgin Mary' is also well worth looking at. Hirst's skull was back in the news a couple of days ago... Will try and find the link.
Interesting stuff indeed...
You forgot one:
Ah yes...good old Indy.
Thanks for the reminder.
If you find that recent Hirst link lemme know!
Diamonds are forever...Thanks for the Xmas gift ideas! Alexis K Taylor, who's featured in the blog you linked to on the top of your page is hilarious, but if you've ever watched her you'll notice she wears a fascist looking military cap on her head while delivering her sex sermons. She also has about 3,000 or so friends on her myspace page. I never expected people of all ages shapes and colors to respond so positively to that kind of rhetoric, lol
You guys (and girls) NEED to read what I've just posted on my sight. Germany and EU have just legalized pedophilia. Jesus.
The superman skull! You are kidding me!
I was reminded of the Crystal Skulls that have popped up in history. But even though some of these are cool looking, they totally seem like a bastardization of those.
Alexyss K Tylor has over six thousand friends on her MySpace page now, HP, including one David Icke and Alex Jones! She's a great broadcaster, though I detect more than a scintilla of humour and satire in her approach.
As for the Nazi outfit, you would be referring to this:
Hirst is back in the news:
I was watching Project Runway on Bravo and during one of the ads, the narrator said, "Celebrate your favorite celebrities 'Deathiversary', the anniversary of their death.
So they have a name for it now.
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