Siouxsie and the Banshees "Halloween" (w/ John McGeoch RIP)
Current News from The Looking Glass:
Friday, October 31, 2008
All Hell Breaks Loose 3x!
Siouxsie and the Banshees "Halloween" (w/ John McGeoch RIP)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
December 5th, 2007 Revisited
The day of the Pressly/Cheney interview was December 5th, 2007...on that very same day, something sinister was afoot in OMAHA, Nebraska.
On that same day, on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, Robert A. Hawkins, 19, killed nine (counting himself). He used a hooded black sweatshirt to sneak in the AK-47 he used. SWAT teams were able to respond quickly to Omaha's Westroads Mall shooting because they were on high alert due to President Bush's quiet visit to the Nebraska city. President George W. Bush was in Omaha, Nebraska, on the morning of December 5, 2007. While in Omaha, Bush visited the OneWorld Community Health Centers, a clinic that provides medical, dental and nutritional aid. Bush was mainly in Omaha to support candidate Mike Johanns for the United States Senate. The Johanns fundraiser was held at the large estate of billionaire businessman and philanthropist Walter Scott Jr. It was closed to the media. Reportedly, Bush also went shopping - perhaps at the Westroads mall for a scarf or tie, supposedly. Soon after Bush departed, a mall shooting occurred at the Westroads Mall.
On other fronts, the "supposed" foiled Neo-Nazi plot of murder and mayhem, which was to include President to be Barack Obama also fell into the memory hole when one of the suspects in the ATFB bust turned out to be from West-Helena, Arkansas. Back in August of this year, I posted about the city lockdown in that small city which more or less could be seen as a declaration of Martial Law.
In a bizarre attempt on my part to make sense of both stories, I decided to concentrate on "Germanic" culture, and the December 5th date...the result is the mythic celebration of "Krampus" . Celebrated in the Central and Eastern Alps of Europe, the demonic companions of St. Nicholas are still to this day a part of the culture.
The word Krampus originates from the Old High German word for claw (Krampen). In the Alpine region the Krampus is represented by an incubus in company of Santa Claus. Traditionally, young men dress up as the Krampus in the first two weeks of December, particularly in the evening of December 5, and roam the streets frightening children (and adults) with rusty chains and bells. In some rural areas also slight birching especially of young females by the Krampus is part of tradition.
I want to thank Loren Coleman for updating his own articles with my additions, as I was busy with my 8 to 5 job. I will do my best to keep tabs on things as we progress towards the November 4th election; which is most certainly at the heart of most of these racially charged events. The ramifications of this election for either side are sure to be felt world wide.
Baseball and Freemasonry

As a Nor'easter swept into Philadelphia last night sending the World Series into a historic suspension; which could possibly result in a game being played on Halloween...Vyzygoth and I spent about an hour and a half discussing the game, it's possible origins and some of the Masonic fingerprints on the game. Enjoy!
Sources for my discussion:
Baseball before be knew it: a search for the roots of the game by David Block
Occult Symbolism: As American as Baseball by Randy Lavello
Spalding's World Tour by Mark Lamster

Thursday, October 23, 2008
As I previously stated in "Release the Hounds", we should be looking for more created events as the ever shrinking path to Nov. 5th rises to meet the hopeful and painfully blinded "Great Unwashed Masses" . Having just been fleeced of $700 Billion dollars (and don't stop to think it'll end there), people are almost frantically placing their personal power and futures into the hands of yet another pair of political pawns who haven't a shred of real concern about the fate of those they are supposedly elected to represent. My dream currently would be for each and every person to NOT pay their MORTgages (Death gauge), NOT vote and see what happens...What if the powers that be finally threw a party that no one attended?
See also the recent campaign posts of Chris Knowles at THE SECRET SUN for more on DOGS & RAY symbols.
Keep in mind the recent ACORN voter scam or planted scam? I don't think anyone really knows what went down with this situation. The Pennsylvania/Phillies vs. Florida/RAYS battle for the World Series in baseball continues to resonate subCONsciously with the entire election smoke screen.

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Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story | ![]() |
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Oct 24 03:06 PM US/Eastern By JOE MANDAK Associated Press Writer |
Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from College Station, Texas, admitted Friday that the story was false and was being charged with making a false report to police, said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division. Police doubted her story from the start, Bryant said.
Todd, who is white, told police she was attacked by a 6-foot-4 black man Wednesday night.
She now can't explain why she invented the story, Bryant said. Todd also told police she believes she cut the backward "B" onto her own cheek, but did not provide an explanation of how or why, Bryant said.
Todd initially told investigators she was attempting to use a bank branch ATM when the man approached her from behind, put a knife with a 4- to 5-inch blade to her throat and demanded money. She told police she handed the assailant $60 and walked away.
Todd told investigators that she suspected the man then noticed a John McCain sticker on her car, became angry and punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground and telling her "you are going to be a Barack supporter," police said.
She said he continued to punch and kick her while threatening "to teach her a lesson for being a McCain supporter," police said. She said he then sat on her chest, pinned her hands down with his knees and scratched a backward letter "B" into her face with a dull knife.
Todd told police she didn't seek medical attention, but instead went to a friend's apartment nearby and called police about 45 minutes later.
The Associated Press could not immediately locate Todd's family.
Bryant said somebody charged with making a false report would typically be cited and sent a summons. But because police have concerns about Todd's mental health, they are consulting with the Allegheny County District Attorney. She remained in custody and was awaiting arraignment.
Todd worked in New York for the College Republican National Committee before moving two weeks ago to Pennsylvania, where her duties included recruiting college students, the committee's executive director, Ethan Eilon, has said.
Eilon declined to comment on the investigation Friday or to help The Associated Press contact Todd.
Earlier Friday, police said they had found inconsistencies in Todd's story. They gave her a lie-detector test, but wouldn't release the polygraph results. Investigators also said bank surveillance photos did not back up the woman's initial story of being attacked at an ATM.
Police interviewed Todd after she contacted police Wednesday night and again on Thursday, Bryant said. They asked her to come back Friday, ostensibly to help police put together a sketch of the man. Instead, detectives began interviewing her.
"They just started talking to her and she just opened up and said she wanted to tell the truth," Bryant said.
Bryant said it doesn't appear that anyone else put the woman up to the false report.
Police suspected all along that Todd might not be telling the truth, starting with the fact that the "B" was backward, Bryant said.
"We have robbers here in Pittsburgh, but they don't generally mutilate someone's face like that," Bryant said. "They just TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Release the Hounds

Reports are starting to come in from the campus of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. Two possible events may have been unfolding at the same time at two separate locations on campus. Initially it was reported that 4 men dressed in BLACK were firing shots on campus, now it appears to have been reduced to one lone gunman...I can't even begin to recount how many of these shooting events start off sounding more like a staged Police scenario, and end up with the one nutjob dressed in black...something smells, again. Oddly, John McCain & Sarah Palin were campaigning a few hours away, due north of Bowling GREEN in GREEN, Ohio (an affluent suburb of Cincinnati).
A student eyewitness now claims that a fight amongst 30 or more African Americans was actually at the heart of the event, and may have been the source for the entire campus being placed on "lockdown".
Don't be surprised if events today were either political or racially motivated...
Police prepare for unrest
According to the Bowling Green Daily News, one week ago to the day, Bowling Green Police went through an exercise to prepare them for just such a "Columbine" event...
Friday, October 17, 2008 11:08 AM CDT
Law enforcement officers have to prepare for all types of situations. This makes it imperative for them to train as much as possible to prepare them to deal with situations should they arise.
On Wednesday, through a program offered by the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training, officers from several agencies participated in classes designed to show officers how to react to an armed suspect in a building. They also were confronted with a suicidal person who had turned his weapon on law enforcement and a person with a hostage. The training was at the former LifeSkills building on Reservoir Hill.
Local agencies participating in the training included the Bowling Green Police Department, Warren County Sheriff’s Office and Western Kentucky University Police Department.
This is a vital part of training because first responders on the scene, who are waiting for backup, must be able to come into the building, search for the shooter, tell them to drop the weapon and take action if necessary.
This was a lesson learned from the horrible shootings at Columbine High School in 1999 and the more recent shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007.
Officers learned from this and other scenarios that if they are put in these types of situations, they must react right away while awaiting backup, because more lives could be lost if response is delayed.
Ted Florence, a DOCJT instructor, said a shooter can kill a person every second.
In these types of scenarios, an officer must react immediately - there’s no time for contemplating or pondering in an intense situation.
We have been fortunate in Bowling Green that none of these types of situations have occurred recently, but if one were to arise, we know that our officers will be better prepared for any of them as a result of this training.
A recap of the details as of 3:39 pm EST:
Trick or Treat...

Friday, October 17, 2008
A ROD basks in her RAY of Light

Take for instance, the current Major League Baseball post season...On October 14th the defending World Champion Boston Red Sox found themselves down 3 games to 1 (in a best of 7 series) after a decisive 13 to 4 defeat to the ALL TIME worst to first turn around team, the Tampa Bay RAYS (which by "coincidence" had been known as the DEVIL RAYS for their 9 seasons previous to this one); the winner of the series would become the American league representative in the World Series.

One day later (Oct. 15th), the well-known CITGO [CITGO incidentaly is owned by Venezeula, and one Hugo Chavez) sign outside Fenway Park in Boston caught fire, and it seemed all bets were off...Modern HOODOO? You betcha' evening later the impossible happened...the Red Sox overcame a 7-0 deficit in the 7th inning to force a deciding game 7 (DOW dropped 777 back on Sept 29th ). This comeback was second ALL TIME only to the 1929 World Series in which the Philadelphia A's overcame an 8-0 Chicago Cubs lead to win 10-8. Two of the big battleground states for the upcoming Presidental election are Pennsylvania and Florida, whose teams will now go head to head in the World Series.

It was also announced last week that the self-proclaimed Messiah of the Kabbalah, Madonna was splitting from her husband, film director Guy Ritchie. This allows Madonna to persue her relationship with big league Superstar Alex Rodriguez aka A-ROD (wand or phallus) with whom she is stated to desire a child with. A-Rod, an ALL STAR New York Yankee 3rd Baseman (#13) has himself taken up the Kabbalah and has announced that he intends on writing a series of sports related children's books that will target the younger audience with Kabbalistic teachings.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Dulling the Senses
Scare tactics or not...the general sense of unease is being projected for a purpose either way...and what is so wrong about at least being aware of what MIGHT be ahead for us? Nothing in my, before any comments start coming in to me about karma, cosmic consciousness or fear your words. These are reports that I find worth posting for the express purpose of trying to reach anyone who might listen as to what we ALL might be facing in the not too distant future. When you are educated, and aware that things exist FEAR has less hold on you. Enough soap boxing, here is the follow-up to yesterday's "Safe at Home...?" post.
from Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report via Alex Jones' InfoWars:
October 8, 2008
WMR has learned from knowledgeable Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sources that the Bush administration is putting the final touches on a plan that would see martial law declared in the United States with various scenarios anticipated as triggers. The triggers include a continuing economic collapse with massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions, and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country.
In addition, Army Corps of Engineer sources report that the assignment of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT) to the Northern Command’s U.S. Army North is to augment FEMA and federal law enforcement in the imposition of traffic controls, crowd control, curfews, enhanced border and port security, and neighborhood patrols in the event a national emergency being declared. The BCT was assigned to duties in Iraq before being assigned to the Northern Command.
On April 3, 2008, WMR reported on a highly-classified document regarding the martial law scenario: WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources within the US financial community that an alarming confidential and limited distribution document is circulating among senior members of Congress and their senior staff members that is warning of a bleak future for the United States if it does not quickly get its financial house in order. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is among those who have reportedly read the document. The document is being called the "C & R" document because it reportedly states that if the United States defaults on loans and debt underwriting from China, Japan, and Russia, all of which are propping up the United States government financially, and the United States unilaterally cancels the debts, America can expect a war that will have disastrous results for the United States and the world. "Conflict" is the "C word" in the document. The other scenario is that the federal government will be forced to drastically raise taxes in order to pay off debts to foreign countries to the point that the American people will react with a popular revolution against the government. "Revolution" is the document’s "R word.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Safe at Home...?

Back on Wednesday, October 1st 2008, The 3rd Infantry Division 1st Brigade Combat Team was reassigned by George W. Bush to serve under the day-to-day control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command, as an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks here at home.
"The 1st BCT’s soldiers [to be known as "Sea Smurfs" instead of Consequence Management Response Force or CCMRF] also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them."
"The package is for use only in war-zone operations, not for any domestic purpose."
“It’s a new modular package of nonlethal capabilities that they’re fielding. They’ve been using pieces of it in Iraq, but this is the first time that these modules were consolidated and this package fielded, and because of this mission we’re undertaking we were the first to get it.”
"The package includes equipment to stand up a hasty road block; spike strips for slowing, stopping or controlling traffic; shields and batons; and, beanbag bullets."
Friday, October 3, 2008
Deep Impact

Graham HAWKES (Horus) of Hawkes Ocean Technologies (H.O.T.) spoke today about his company's involvement in designing a deep water winged submersable vechicle dubbed DEEP FLIGHT CHALLENGER. The experimental underwater "plane" that Fossett had paid for was scheduled to take him to the proverbial "Center of the Earth", the MARIANA Trench (MARITIME SIGNAL & MM resonator with Mammoth) located on the ocean floor off the the coast of Guam at a depth of 37,000 feet. According to Hawkes:
"It would have dramatically, dramatically opened the oceans for exploration. It would have been a game changer," said Hawkes.
Hawkes says the craft would have "flown" to the bottom of the ocean in an hour and 40 minutes and then rocketed back up. He wouldn't say what it cost to build, but it was almost ready to launch when Fossett disappeared.
"We finished testing all of the systems have been tested under pressure at the Department of Defense facilities. We were four weeks away from splashing it in," said Hawkes.

In this cruel place your voice above the maelstrom
In the wake of this ship of fools I'm falling further down
If you can see me, Marian, reach out and take me home.....
I hear you calling Marian
Across the water, across the wave
I hear you calling Marian
Can you hear me calling you to
Save me, save me, save me from the
Marian, there's a weight above me
And the pressure is all too strong
To breathe deep
Breathe long and hard
To take the water down and go to sleep
To sink still further
Beneath the fatal wave
Marian I think I'm drowning
This sea is killing me
Was ich kann und was ich könnte
(What I can do and what I could do)
Weiss ich gar nicht mehr
(I just don't know anymore)
Gib mir wieder etwas schönes
(Give me something beautiful again)
Zieh mich aus dem Meer
(Drag me from the sea)
Ich höre dich rufen, Marian
(I hear you calling Marian)
Kannst du mich schreien hören
(Can you hear me screaming?)
Ich bin hier allein
(I am here alone)
Ich höre dich rufen, Marian
(I hear you calling Marian)
Ohne deine hilfe verliere ich mich in diesem Ort
(Without your help I am lost in this place)
[repeat Marian til end]
Take the Money and Run
After reading many excellent articles dealing with the ongoing financial crisis over at cryptogon, I was struck by the following post which was pulled from the pages of The Baltimore Sun and originally ran on October 2nd:
What Mr. Fulford claims is a story of immense scale, and yet anyone well versed in New World Order history and planning; he could very well could be onto something. Please read (or listen) and decide for yourselves. I am providing the transcript below but if you'd rather listen to the recorded interview you may do so by clicking here. I APOLOGIZE for the length, the entire interview runs 35 mins.
Kerry Cassidy: Today is September 6th and it’s 7:14 pm, California time. And Benjamin, where you are, I can’t imagine how late it is.
Benjamin Fulford: Well, it’s 11 in the morning on September 7th here in Tokyo.
K: Oh, right. Sunday. So this is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot and Bill Ryan. And we’re talking to Benjamin Fulford in Japan. So, Benjamin, last time we talked, you were very, sort of incognito, talking about September 8th as an interesting date.
BF: Well, actually, I don’t know about September 8th, but, you know, the dirt I’ve been hearing is September 30th, and then some sort of event in the US in October. So my understanding from my various sources is that there will be an attempt at a coup d’etat, martial law, and rounding people up for the detention camps in early October.
These people have been trying very hard to start WWIII. As you know, the Israelis had an Air Force base in Georgia and they were planning to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities from Georgia. The important thing is though... a friend of mine who was at the Trilateral meeting in Tokyo in 2006 told me there was a technical explanation there, where they said that because the Iranian facilities are so deep underground, they would have to attack them with nuclear weapons. Now, the Russians and the Chinese have said they will destroy Israel if they do that. OK?
Well, I suspect the people behind this are ready to see Israel destroyed. This is gonna be their new holocaust in order to create the environment for their so-called “messiah” to appear. So they’re crazy. And they’re trying to kill billions of people. And we’re running out of time.
K: So you’re saying that they’re going to push this event forward and you think it might be happening sometime in... October is the timeline you’re given?
BF: Well, this is what a lot of the sources are telling me. There’s a split in the ranks. You see, a lot of the Bushes and their Nazi people have been stealing from everybody, and up in the high finance world they’ve created a lot of enemies. And they’re supposed to have some sort of September 30th deadline to pay. And they don’t have the money, so they’re gonna create martial law and activate their military and say, To hell with you.
Now, I have conflicting information and it’s hard to sift through it all. The Japanese Security Police Ninja -- and that, by the way, is a very ancient tradition in Japan, with very deep roots; the top levels are their equivalent of our spy agencies -- but he’s telling me they actually made an agreement and they’re gonna use Japanese gold in the US to pay off the Bushes’ debt and then they’re gonna come up with a new agreement. I published it in Japanese on my web page.
But the problem is, it looks to me like a delaying tactic. These people were planning something for 2012, and events are spinning out of their control. So they’re trying to fast-forward it, but they need more time. That’s my understanding of it.
But we really, clearly, must not let them strike first. That’s what they did on September 11, 2001, and they’re gonna do it again. In other words, we cannot react. They’re gonna do something so radical that... We have to have a critical mass of people in the military and the intelligence establishment, whatever, among the civil population, to take these people down before they make a move like this.
K: What exactly is the plan that you think they have? In other words, you think they plan either to attack Iran, or you’re saying they’re going to take out Israel. What is their plan?
BF: Well, there is a group that wants to start WWIII. And we’re the group that’s trying to stop them. It’s clear the US Air Force has prevented the Israelis from attacking Iran by flying over Iraqi air space. And when the Israelis set up an air base in Georgia, the Russians came in and captured the airplanes and dismantled the air base. But clearly there is a big group in the US military, in Russia, whatever, trying to stop these people.
But they control the Congress, they control the press, they control the Supreme Court, they control the office of the President, and they control about 190,000 Blackwater mercenaries.
K: Who are you saying controls these people? Do you have...
BF: Well, they’re a group of Neo-Nazis headed by their fuerher, George Bush, Sr. And these are people who, after WWII, they said, you know, they found Nazi documents in Germany saying, For us the war never ended. And they’ve been planning this for more than 50 years. They are the people who assassinated Kennedy and Martin Luther King. And they have a lot of their people spread throughout the establishment. And they were waiting until they had all the right people in all the right places. And now it’s sort of “endgame”. They’re being cornered.
Their original plan was to have Hillary Clinton followed by Jeb Bush for the... to complete their entire Nazification and turning the US into a fascist country. But the loss by Clinton and a change in the power politics among the “secret government” members has meant they’re kind of desperate and they’re gonna try to do something very crazy.
K: OK, but you were talking about a coup. So on September 30th, exactly what do you think...? Because you can’t put in martial law without some kind of...
BF: Well, the BIS has demanded that the Bushes pay back the money they owe to the Europeans who are trying... basically everyone on Earth. They’ve been ripping people off all over the place. So if they don’t, then there is a possibility of a serious economic crisis in the US. And such a crisis would be followed by martial law.
K: OK, from George Green we understand that the Bank for International Settlements is supposed to be not able to do their actual audit during the Bush administration, that they’d have to come in after the election. That was his understanding, because Bush does not want them to come in while he’s in office. Do you think that they can be put off that far?
BF: Well, they’re obviously trying to play for time. It’s clear that everybody’s waiting for November and everybody’s waiting for the new President before they can start, you know, unraveling the mess these people made. OK?
You’ve got to remember, these people have been planning this for 50 years. They’re not just gonna step aside politely. As you know, they’ve built concentration camps around the US. They have their Blackwater mercenaries who are, you know, the equivalent of the SS. OK?
K: Are you getting information on what kind of event that they’re planning for, say, October sometime?
BF: Well, it would be declaration of a national state of emergency.
Now, the message and information I’m getting is mixed. It’s clear there’s a lot of flux going on. There’s a lot of different factions with different agendas and it’s not clear how the whole thing’s gonna play out.
Like I say, the Japanese Security Police, the guy who was originally sent to me by David Rockefeller, contacted me saying they’d reached an agreement for a new type of “world secret government” that would involve domination by an alliance of the Europeans (and when I say “Europeans,” I mean the non-Anglo-Saxon Europeans: the French and the Germans), the Russians, and the Chinese, with the Americans getting 22 out of 100 votes and the Europeans, the Russians, and the Chinese getting 78 votes. And that, as a result of this agreement, they’re gonna extend the Bushes’ money to keep things going after September.
But I worry that that agreement is just a ploy for time, that it’s not gonna be something they’re really gonna do. I mean, these people are serial liars. And we have the, apparently George Bush Senior’s brother, Jonathan Bush, who has been living in China for a long time. And my sources are telling me that a Chinese Politburo official connected to Madame Wu has laundered billions of dollars overseas and is being blackmailed about this. And also we have George Bush, Sr., who was ambassador to China. So they have a lot of connections there.
And I think they’ve been lying to and fooling the Chinese and using their connections to try to make it look like they’re gonna hand over control to the Chinese, but really they’re just playing for time.
So my advice to the Chinese is don’t trust these people and don’t trust any Chinese that are connected to the Bushes, because they’ve been bribed, and they’ve been compromised, and they’re probably also blackmailed, too.
K: But you’re saying that they’re actually going to sit back and take 22 votes versus 78 on the side of the Europeans. I don’t see America settling for that. Not the America I know, at any rate.
BF: Well, that’s the point. So there are some, obviously, factions. This is, I assume, the same faction that was behind this whole CO2 campaign, the people who backed Al Gore, OK? And that faction is obviously opposed by the Nazi faction, who want to create an artificial Endtime. That’s the problem.
So it’s really... And the US military establishment and intelligence community, whatever, seems to be split in two between the fascists and the traditional, you know, patriots. I’m hoping that a majority will be patriots and realize that they want the United States to be free and strong. And if the United States is free and strong, they will keep their leadership of the world just because they’ll be the best and everyone will want to imitate them. But to try to take over the world by force... it’s just not gonna happen.
K: Originally you had said that if they went and attacked Iran, that the Ninjas would be mobilized to actually take them out one by one. That was your threat.
BF: Well, yeah. I mean, if there is an attack I will certainly ask that they start doing this. I mean, it’s clearly... These people are a threat to the human species and it’s in everybody’s interest. At that point, that will have to happen.
K: Our information, partly from George Green, but also from other sources, is saying there is going to be an attack on Iran. Is that information you’re getting? Or are you getting that they’re going to hold off?
BF: Well, they’ve been trying to attack Iran for a long time. They tried to attack Iran... well, in fact, George Bush, Sr. ordered the Pentagon to nuke Iraq or something back in 1992 and they said No, and they tried to take him down with the Iran Contra scandal. And they managed to get him out of power. So there is a powerful faction of “White Knights” in there.
And these are the same people that have repeatedly blocked the Israeli Air Force from attacking Iran. And if you look at a map, you can see that they could attack Iran from Georgia without flying over Iraqi air space, and therefore not being blocked by the US Air Force. But if the Air Force is actually blocking the Israelis, then I don’t see how the Israelis are gonna be able to attack.
However, I have also heard that something like 20 Air Force generals were killed. And so, maybe they’re trying to wrest control of the Air Force. But Russia...
K: Are you talking about 20 US Air Force generals?
BF: Yes. I got this from an NSA source. I don’t know if it’s true or not.
K: We heard something similar to this. Is this something that happened in Georgia?
BF: No, that would be in the US.
K: In the US? OK.
BF: They’re trying to purge the doves from the US Air Force so they can get their hands on the nukes.
K: Are you able to reveal where you got that information about the generals being...
BF: Well, one NSA source and one CIA source. And I looked on the internet and there were some articles. It’s hard to see if it’s true or not, you know.
But I believe that even if they get rid of the generals, there are so many colonels and other people there who are the... they are the line of defense, at the end of the day.
I mean, these people, they control their very top positions. Like you have Hayden there, at the top of the CIA. And you have Kinney. And these are the people that you have to take out. They don’t control the middle ranks or even most of the upper ranks, just the very tip-top, in many cases.
Now, we have a list of their names. Everyone knows the Neocons and who they are. And these are the people that need to be stopped. I mean, they’re crazy. That’s the bottom line. They’re following an insane agenda.
K: What’s your idea of what can be done to stop them? Are you just saying that we have to rely on what is, in essence, “white hats,” to pull a coup within the US government? Because I would posit that this might have already happened, under Mike McConnell.
BF: Well, I hope so. And I think Mr. Gates, Defense Secretary Gates, seems like a sane man. And you had the Admiral Fallon thing. That was a bunch of them trying to put the crazies back in the box. But there is some kind of Mossad assassination team out there, too. And at a certain point, these white hats are gonna have two take actual action, i.e., arrest people. And that hopefully will happen.
I mean, I am encouraged by the fact that they have been stopping repeated, repeated attempts to attack Iran. So hopefully this nightmare scenario will not take place.
But the key of the question of what’s gonna happen is Blackwater mercenaries, and who’s gonna fight them. Or are they gonna obey orders?
The big difference between the Nazis today and the Nazis in Germany is that these Nazis don’t have any popular support. Hitler had 80% popular support. These guys have 20%, just the brainwashed Christian Zionists. You know, we have other sources saying that something like 1 to 2 percent of the US population has been specially trained and indoctrinated for an event of this sort.
It’s a messy situation and there’s a lot that we cannot see. On the other hand, there are good signs as well. Japan’s gonna have a general election in November and hopefully the new government will be very different from the one that’s been in power since after 1955. And hopefully they will insist that the US stop their incessant warmongering if they wish to keep receiving funding that they need to have their economy stay afloat.
K: What’s your take on what’s going on on September 30th in regard to the US economy? Because, as you said, those debts are going to be due. Is the Japanese gold going to prop up our economy here in the US or not?
BF: Well, I mean, it’s in nobody’s interest to have the US economy collapse. Nobody wants to have a Soviet-style collapse. And I think they’ll find a way to keep the money going. But of course if there is an attack on iran, then who knows? But I believe that there’s a critical mass of sane people that does not want WWIII. So even... my guess is that the Zionists, if they succeed in bombing Iran, then Israel will be destroyed, but the US will not then start all-out thermonuclear war, as some of these crazies are planning and hoping for.
K: Are you still in the same position you were before, in the sense that you’re aligned with these Asian Secret Societies and that they can be called upon to actually try to change events?
BF: Yes. And I have asked them to take a look at their deal and insist that they be given access to US military bases, to make sure there’s no genocide being planned. And I also told them that, you know, they should not be playing for time and we should not give them time, because time is not on our side. They were... You know, I guess they’re working toward 2012. They’re trying to speed up the agenda. And so, the faster we act, the less likely they are to succeed.
And also, I’m been contacted by other groups... the Karate Association? Fifty million people around the world are studying karate and they’ve offered help. And they could probably get all the other martial arts societies to join. And, as you know, most people who are studying martial arts are not Asians these days. They’re actually, you know, all over the world. I mean, I studied judo in Mexico as a kid and then continued my studies in Canada. So these societies are very important.
At the end of the day, we’re hoping that everything can be done peacefully, without a single death and a single fight. You know, bullies become weak if people stand up to them. And if enough people stand up and say, Hey! then they will stand down. I’m hoping they will see the insanity of what they’re trying to do and wake up.
Bill Ryan: Some of the information that you’ve been reporting... a lot of people listening to this will identify it as being very similar to stories that are being reported by Christopher Storey on World Reports and also by Stew Web on Fourwinds10 and then copied around on websites and forums like Rumor Mill News. And most serious analysts don’t give that information any credence because they don’t trust those sources. Are you saying that your source of this information comes from genuine insiders, and it’s not just picked up off the internet?
BF: Well, the person sent to me by Heizo Takenaka, the finance minister, who works for Rockefeller -- the person who is definitely connected with the Japanese Security Police and definitely connected with David Rockefeller -- ok? -- what he told me was that they had figured out, they had worked around the September 30th deadline, and that Japanese gold would be used... 2,000-trillion yen worth of Japanese gold would be used to support the US economy over a transition period through to 2010. First of all, clear the debts of the cabal, and then finance a huge aerospace project. So that source, he tells me that the September 30th thing has been dealt with, OK? There was a deadline, and they’ve come up with a solution.
K: Well, it sounds like you’re not sure about that. It sounds like you’re actually unsure.
BF: Well, I mean, that’s what one source says. The source, the NSA guy, is telling me that there’s still (and the CIA guy, they both have), and a source that is not Mr. Storey, ok? These are some analysts who have come up with a very successful predictive model by scanning the internet for certain types of clues.
K: You’re talking about Half Past Human.
BF: Yes. Now, they’re saying some sort of event in early October, too. And then you can confirm this from places like the Jerusalem Post. That newspaper had an article saying they were going to attack Iran with nuclear weapons.
So, you have a faction that wants to start nuclear war. They want to nuke Iran’s facilities. And you have a faction that’s trying to stop them. And you have these factions controlling large sums of money, so there are financial backers for each faction. And so, what we’re getting is information from two sources, two big, you know, main sources, of two factions, and it’s not clear what the balance of power is.
But, overall, I think the crazy faction that wants to start WWIII is losing. But they’re desperate and they’re cornered and they’re gonna try to pull off something, OK? So that’s how I read the situation. There is a desperate, violent, nasty group, and they are in a pinch. And until they’ve actually stepped aside, we cannot say with confidence they’re not gonna do something crazy. That’s my reading of the situation, from many different sources.
BR: As a financial guy, there’s a lot more that you understand than we do about the processes of banking and the Federal Reserve and all of the huge machinations that make up the kind of whole carefully balanced machine of the international debt structure.
So, what could really happen in the real world on September 30th? Imagine that the clock’s turning midnight in Washington. What happens? Do they make a press announcement the next morning, announcing to the world and to the media that they’re repudiating all of their debt? Or do they just put troops on the streets and say, Tough, all the banks are closed; we’re not even going to tell you why? Or if this all in response to an event, some kind of martial law, what might that event be?
BF: Well, OK. The scenario is that they cut off the US payments, right? They say, OK, the United States is bankrupt. And that would lead to a shutdown of banks. People wouldn’t be able to get their money out. The whole system would fall into chaos. OK? There would be riots in the streets, people rushing to supermarkets to grab food. People heading out the countryside, you know. And then we’d have martial law and we’d have these Blackwater mercenaries out on the street trying to round up dissidents. And they have this list of a million people that they want to round up, right? This so-called “no-fly” list. So, if you’re on that list, you better hide.
But my guess is that the smart people will not give those guys any excuse to start martial law. In other words, they will keep financing them until November, until they’re out of power, not give them... If I were, you know, I would say, Look, let’s not give these guys their excuse.
They’re trying to do something in October, because after November they’re out of power. And they’re worried about going to jail for war crimes. So again, my recommendation is we offer these people a full pardon, a full amnesty, as long as they step aside peacefully.
K: OK, when you say “we,” though, are going to offer these people amnesty... I mean, what is your scenario as to how this so-called amnesty would even take place? Because, for all intents and purposes, from our understanding, these people are not going to go quietly.
BF: Right.
K: Under every circumstance that we can imagine, including their heart-felt desire for an Armageddon-like scenario, they don’t have any motivation to go quietly, do they?
BF: They don’t. But the question is, do they have the ability? I think they’ve lost so much support, even in the “secret government,” that I don’t think they’re going to be able to do anything. They have stolen a lot of money. They’ve hired a lot of goons. The big worry is this Blackwater force and what those people are gonna do. They’re paid a thousand dollars a day. But they want to do something. They’ve wanted to do it for a long time. They’ve been trying to nuke Iran for years. They’ve been talking this talk for a very long time. I mean, how many hundreds of times have they said, We’ll attack Iran, attack Iran, attack Iran. You know? But they haven’t done it.
K: Right.
BF: They obviously want to, but somebody’s stopping them.
K: OK. Well, look, I’m an American and I can tell you that the party line that I’m hearing from John McCain... he’s totally backed now by Bush and his whole Neocon group, and so is Palin. And they’re rapping the exact same party line that’s always been rapped down. These people are trying to get into office. On the other side, you’ve got Brzezinski’s faction, which is Obama.
So under these scenarios... I mean, in essence, I don’t see anybody really backing down. The “white hats” cannot possibly be part of the McCain camp, so in essence, theoretically, they have to be part of the Brzezinski group. And yet, Brzezinski is known for wanting to bring Russia into a third world war. I mean, the bottom line is that these are factions of the Illuminati, and that they do want to see a population reduction situation happen.
BF: Well, I mean, on a more macro picture, you have the United States and these factions. OK? They’ve been playing international poker for the planet over the past year. They’ve used their oil card. They tried to jack up the oil price? But what happened was, they jacked it up so far that their revenue from oil actually started to decrease, because people just stopped using oil. So that misfired.
So then they tried to jack up the food price. Right? And they jacked up the price of steel and aluminum, everything they controlled, OK? As part of the battle. And finally they dropped their last card, which is the US military machine. And they’re saying, Look. If nothing else, we’ll just use this machine full-out. So, it’s their last bargaining chip.
So what I have recommended... What I believe the Chinese and everybody are saying is: Look we’ll keep your military machine afloat. We’ll turn it into a United Nations military machine. And we’ll keep financing your economy, but no genocide.
And the other question is, are they gonna free the forbidden technology? You don’t even have to get into conspiracy theory to look at... for example, I interviewed a lot of the solar power companies ten years ago. And they said that after two or three years, solar power would be compared with oil. Well, oil was $30 a barrel then. And now, what happened? Well, the price of silicon has gone up five-fold in this past year, along with the price of oil. Now, silicon is the third most common element on Earth. It’s sand. There’s no way that price should be so high. In other words, solar power should be dirt cheap, and everyone should have solar power in their house. But they don’t. So they have to free this technology.
And there is a powerful group of people who’ve been living off oil money and who have bought up, you know... and it’s the oil money that’s fed the military machine, right? So the trick is to separate the military from the oil. Say to the military guys, Hey, we’ll keep funding you, and we’ll finance a major, major space exploration program. And the oil people, well, they’re just gonna have to realize that oil is very valuable as a fertilizer and as a material for making things, but it’s not very valuable as a source of energy. You know, that’s the question.
K: But the bottom line here is whether or not the Illuminati -- and where we get into a difficulty here is, when I talk about the Illuminati -- if you listen to David Icke, who makes a lot of sense a lot of the time, he’s actually saying that on an upper level, the Chinese are also run by the Illuminati behind the scenes. And that means there is a deeper agenda than just the one we’re talking about here that will motivate events in the long run. And I appreciate that there’s some madmen, the Neocons, that are going to be trying to stay in what appears to be power here in the US. But the bottom line is also that there is an agenda for the world. And it’s pretty diabolical. And this is what we’re actually fighting.
BF: Well, it is definitely clear that there... Well, this is where it gets into stuff that I don’t know about. But a CIA guy who’s connected with the Area 51-type people, and a couple of other sources, have told me that, basically, humanity was not allowed to continue exploring space after the Apollo program, because we are a very violent and dangerous race.
And if humanity can come up with a world government that follows this universal principle of “Never shoot out the first punch,” they will be allowed to continue space exploration. And there is a faction that wants to turn the human species into a kind of predatory type of creature. And this is what these people say. So that’s the battle line there.
But the Chinese, as far as I can tell by all my connections, and if you look at the nature of their government and everything else, they are not doing evil in China. But China was under their control under Chairman Mao and they killed tens of millions of people. But after Deng Xiao-Ping got in power, basically the Illuminati lost China. They’re trying to get back. They have people they’ve been working on and bribing and whatever, but they don’t have control. But they have been negotiating and they’ve been trying to fool the Chinese. That’s my take on it.
K: We understand that the Russians and the Chinese have been doing war games together.
BF: Yes.
K: Do you know the objective of that?
BF: The objective is that, if necessary, they are ready to take on the US military machine. The Chinese have their nuclear subs out there. The Russians are ready. These people are ready for all-out nuclear war, if it comes to that. So, it’s a question of who blinks first.
K: Well, that sounds like a really dire situation.
BF: It is a dire situation.
K: So basically, would you say you’re optimistic at this time, Benjamin, in light of everything we’re talking about here? Or are you very cautious?
BF: Well, I’m optimistic. It’s a dangerous situation, but I’m optimistic that sanity will prevail. Because, you know, it’s amazing what the thought of death does to clarify your thinking. And these guys have such a good life, they don’t wanta die. And so, there will be a step-down.
But, worst case scenario would be the nuking of Iran followed by the nuking of Israel. But it would not escalate beyond that point. So if the Zionists do attack Iran, it’ll be a fatal mistake for them. That’s my reading of the situation.
K: All right. Well, Benjamin, we really appreciate you reconnecting with us on this call, because we’ve started our new site, which is It’s got a forum and we’re already getting hundreds of people signing on. It’s about people talking to each other about all these issues as well as finding safe places in the off-chance that this situation in October actually becomes something major, as well as the meltdown of the US economy, which in many ways, wouldn’t you say it’s going to continue? Because regardless of whether you have the day, September 30, I mean, the US is bankrupt.
BF: Yeah, it is bankrupt and they need to be refinanced. And it’s in everybody’s interest to refinance the US. Theoretically, I mean, the US should be having very, very high economic growth. All they have to do is take all that technology that they’ve classified for so-called security reasons and make it public. And, you know, they’d have a boom. Free energy alone would cause people to be rich.
K: No doubt about it. Well, thank you very much, Benjamin.
BF: So the message is, we need a critical mass of decent people in the world right now. It’s very, very urgent that all decent people who want peace realize that there is a time when we have to draw a line in the sand. And this is that time.
K: Well said. OK. Hopefully, we can connect with you again sometime after your Rense show on September 8th, and see if there’s some new developments at that time.
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Two more of the Steve Fossett transmissions:
Third Transmission
This transmission is coming from Stephen Fossett. I am attempting to reconnect with the same source known as JB. Have I succeeded?
JB: Yes you have, very much so. What the hell is going on? It's like everything is in warp drive. Everything is coming in so fast I can hardly keep up with it. Why is everything so different than before?
Stephen: I do not feel I am connected to the same one I contacted last week that is working in the desert. Is this still the same JB?
JB: I'm sure it is. There is something enormously different than from our last transmission. Maybe we should just leave it alone and continue our conversation. I do have more questions, if you are up to it I would like to continue. I have a friend who has spent a lot of time in the desert area we are focusing on, not only in this life, but apparently in previous lives as possibly an Indian. She feels a lot of energy from this area and seems to know, without knowing how she knows, a lot about this place. One thing she talks about is a giant medicine wheel or giant wheel with spokes that presides in a certain area that we are interested in. Are you familiar with or understand what she is experiencing?
Stephen: No, I am not familiar with the area you are talking about, but I am familiar with the Rexel Wheel you are talking about. This is a plate connection between formatted fields of physical recognition. This is my word for it and I'm not sure if it covers it correctly. I was hoping we wouldn't have to get into this because it's not my expertise, but I will give it a try. What happens in this area is where a few, not many, Rexel connections that allow you to experience two different frequencies at the same time. You really don't see into another frequency but your physical vibrational patterns can match a higher frequency, which gives you more insight on the overall structure of creative patterns in the worlds consciousness.
I understand why I'm having difficulty interacting with you at this time, because you don't match the same realm of consciousness you did last time. This is due to the connection you are making with others, which is allowing you to have much more insight on what is taking place in a higher frequency with forms in your area. The Rexel, as it turns between formatted fields, allows you to experience a higher and lower frequency and gives you a much broader understanding of the creative process. This is why finding different spots allows you to see a much bigger picture as you are turning in and out of these energy fields.
You know, I'm telling you something that I am really not very clear about myself, so don't take this too literally because I'm sure that there is much more to it. At least I think it will give you a start on how the new processes many of you are going into at this time.
These Rexel wheels are placed all over the planet and can be used as portals if understood how to use them in entirety. No, that isn't quite correct, let me study this and I will get back to you. I have to find a way to put this in words. That is the problem, we are so limited by using languages to explain processes that we have never heard of before.
JB: I guess that's enough to keep our little heads busy for a while. I do have a friend that has many questions, are you up to these at this time?
Stephen: Yes, go for it. I know who this is and I even heard you talking to her on the phone, so I know some of these questions. They are a little overwhelming some of them and some are not possible to answer because of lack of the way we communicate, but I will do my best. The energy field that is being put out now of so many people interested and need to know about this frequency concept, allows the energy field of needing to know a tremendous boost in getting this information through. Like you have been told before, energy follows energy, and the more people that put the energy out that want to know a certain thing, enhances their energy field with much more data because of the increased flow of needing to know. This is the best way I can explain how this works, let's just see what happens.
Stephen: Ok, we have tried now for over two hours to answer these questions and they aren't coming out in any legible form. I was hoping I would get some through to give you an idea what it is like over here, but this is new for me also and because of lack of reference points, there doesn't seem to be a way to verbally explain the difference between this frequency and the one you are living in. I know you are looking forward to understanding the difference and it's like teaching a turtle how to throw a javelin, whose whole physical makeup is not accustomed to this task.
I could probably spend a lot of time and answer some of these questions but this really wouldn't benefit anything or anyone because there is such a huge difference between the two life frequencies. The only way it can be done that I see, is a mental transformation because there are no words that can explain many of the processes that we in this realm experience. You are starting to work with me and bringing my energy into your consciousness is the only way I think I can explain the difference.
I have shown JB the difference between the two cultures and frequencies and basically even though he understands some of them, he is not able to put them into a limited vocabulary. Remember, you have the most limited form of communication there is in any vibratory condition. This is why I used the concept of the turtle, to show you the difficulty in presenting a whole new understanding of life.
What I am doing with JB and what I will do with you is mentally project the answers to all these questions you have and see what happens. In most cases, I wouldn't even bother to let you but you have such a high determination of wanting to know, it is very possible to connect to you in a mental format, especially now that I have seen you start to put this process into action and actually get results. If I thought we could succeed in getting your questions answered, I would definitely give it a try. The questions that JB has presented to me in the earlier documents, in many cases had to be deleted because of the same situation.
Stephen Fossett
***It should be noted that in a statement released by the National Transportation Safety Board late Thursday: "A very small amount of human remains has been found in the wreckage"