The claim is this...6 "decommissioned" missiles loaded (by mistake) with nuclear warheads were illegally flown by B52 from Minot AFB in North Dakota to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana on August 30th 2007. Initial reports suggested that 5 missiles arrived...was this a reporting error or is one actually missing? Four days later Steve Fossett takes a routine flight, and goes missing...the question being raised is, who (or what) has the government been looking for in the Nevada desert for 3 weeks? Is this a search for a missing man who may not be missing at all or a National security event of massive proportion, which the Military would rather we not know about?
Much of the story online seems to have focused on the "mysterious" deaths of 6 Airmen who died within one week of this event...this is just untrue. Firstly, only 5 (which oddly coincides with the missile descrepency) names surface in these claims. Secondly two of the deaths took place back in July, one took place the day of the event (in Washington Sate) and the airman in question appears to have no connection to either facility. However, two airmen, one from each of the bases did pass away. A Todd Blue on September 10th, and Clint Huff on September 15th.
I have posted a number of articles which I recommend reading. Regardless of any actual implication in the Fossett case, something rather strange and alarming was taking place that week. It is important to note that these events also coincide with the Pravda story that the meteorite that crashed in Peru was actually a satellite, as well as an Israeli air-strike launched against Syria.
B-52 Nukes Headed for Iran, Not For Decommissioning: Airforce Refused
Minot airman dies while on leave
Just something to think so many other things, we may never know. Either way it is my opinion that Mr. Fossett took one for the team, for what purpose? That's the real kicker...